
Is Your Motivation on Life Support?


Sometimes my motivation needs to be hooked up to life support.  Do you ever feel like yours has flat lined?

In an effort to breathe a little life into mine, I do what I always do when I need a little motivation or inspiration or knowledge or distraction.  I go to Google.  Google may not have all the answers, but if it doesn’t then try Youtube.  

It was here that I was reminded that the science behind motivation is different than how the world still perceives it to be because of a fascinating book on the subject by Daniel Pink called DRIVE.  I highly recommend reading it.

The carrot and the stick doesn’t work for creative people like you and me.  Promised reward or punishment has little to do with successfully motivating us to do our best work.

Why?  There is a fabulous video that explains it nicely and I have posted it for you here


I hope you enjoyed this video.  I plan on talking more about motivation next week.

Have a creative week,

Hugs, Diana


A while back I read a book called, Positivity: Groundbreaking Research Reveals How to Embrace the Hidden Strength of Positive Emotions, Overcome Negativity, and Thrive by Barbara Fredrickson. I liked the book. It explains about a new psychology called positivity.

But this guy explains it here so much better. He describes how happiness relates to greater performance, productivity, health, energy, and success rates. Happiness is a pre-cursor to success, rather than merely the result. Tasks performed when happy are performed at a higher level.

I know this is a lot of video, but if you are interested in greater creativity, you might be as fascinated by this stuff as I am!

Let me know what you think about these ideas. Thanks, Diana