Welcome One World One Heart Friends! Enter here!Come on in and make yourself comfortable. We will be traveling first class Oriental rug, to a land far far away. I have vacuumed all the kitty hair off just for you!
We have a long way to go and a short time to get there. (There is a song in there somewhere.) So we are going to resort to a little magic. Stare right into the photo below and feel the wind on your face as we float easily along.
Our destination is just up ahead.
I know you must be tired and need a little nourishment, so get the hair out of your eyes and pour yourself something strong. Relax.
After shopping at the market and a spa day, it's time to return back to reality.
As we unpack our bags, I have found these little paintings to remember all the exotic houses we flew over.
On February 15,I will gladly award these to a weary traveler who leaves a comment. I have so enjoyed our trip together! I hope you visit often.
Hugs, Diana Meade
P.S. I am hosting a free workshop series for artists that you can read about on the following post.