Lifebook 2016 Week 1

Hello Creative Friends,

This is my first lesson called the Happy Traveler.  We did a meditation before hand and these are the animals that showed up to travel with me during the year.  Naturally, I couldn't go anywhere without a cat companion, even if he does bear a striking resemblance to an alien baby! 

Out in the country where I live are a flock of Cardinals.  My husband faithfully feeds them and they faithfully entertain us.  They are so cheerful to look at on a gray winters day.

It is a challenge to take this class since I haven't had a lot of instruction art-wise.  I am especially excited to learn more about painting faces since the few and secretive attempts I've made have been dismal at best. 

But in the spirit of a new year and my new thinking, I am willing to learn new things.  I hope you have a creative week.

Cheering you artfully on,
