I was dragging my feet the other day to get started on a creative writing project. I had already worked my way through two boring jobs that I didn’t want to do as a way of blocking myself to the work I needed to do. (A technique I’ve used before that still doesn’t work for me.)So instead of forcing myself to sit like a petulant little girl with her arms crossed in front of her computer as if I was being punished, I opened a document that I had already written and read it.
You know what; it was good! I enjoyed reading it. I was clearly amazed that I had written it. What it did for me was quite Blockhead’s yammering that, “Writing is hard,”
“You have nothing to say,” blah, blah, blah, and it energized me enough to move me out of self-banishment in the corner of, “I can’t do anything” to hey, “Look what I did!”
Acknowledging and noticing your past efforts is a good thing. It will lift you up when you are feeling low and not very creative.
There is nothing wrong with having a little party of appreciation for what you have done. Too many of us were taught not to brag or get too high and mighty or sing the praises of our own accomplishments. There is no danger of that here. You are your own audience. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and see if it doesn’t inspire to do more.
Creativity Energizer:
Select a piece of your work and spend some time with it. Refuse to be critical. View it with loving eyes. Let it speak to you. Admire the craftsmanship and the detail. Acknowledge the difficulties that were overcome. Thank the person that created it with all sincerity. Allow yourself to be inspired to do other work.
Have a creative week!
Hugs, Diana